About Us

About Us

Hill, Cain and McDonald is a mortgage default law firm with decades of experience in the field.  While the firm utilizes state of the art

technology and systems, it believes that extensive attorney involvement is critical to successful resolution of the matters assigned to it.  Firm attorneys personally attend all but the most routine hearings, based upon the belief that local courts want to hear from the attorney having direct responsibility for the case rather than local appearance counsel who may or may not have the background to answer the court’s questions.  This personal delivery of services and extensive attorney involvement distinguishes the firm from most of its larger competitors. The firm has made a massive investment in state-of-the-art technology.  By leveraging this technology, the firm is able to deliver the same timelines and fees as its much larger competitors, while offering a uniquely high level of attorney involvement to its clients.

The firm utilizes all of the major mortgage default systems, such as: Black Knight/Loansphere, Tempo and Serengeti; moreover, with its small firm management structure and state of the art case management system in CaseAware, the firm can very quickly adapt to client directions and custom-fit its services to a particular client’s demands.  The firm takes pride in its big-time capabilities to cover all counties and bankruptcy court divisions in Ohio and Kentucky as well as all bankruptcy divisions in Indiana.

Unlike many huge creditors’ rights law firms, we are small enough to be extremely flexible and responsive. If a client has special requirements, we don’t have to go through a committee meeting to decide if it can be done. If you ask for it, we will accomplish it.

Every equipment purchase, technology investment, employee hire, management structural change and strategic decision since the formation of the firm, has been made with the goal of being a state-of-the-art creditors rights and mortgage default firm.  We would be pleased to provide any additional information.